Peter Drucker in The New Realities describes the existence of “Great Divides”—points in time when nothing seems as it was before. Currently, we are passing through such a time, a disruption, a discontinuity that we are now only sensing and definingPeterDrucker-300x250. Old attitudes, long-standing practices, deep-rooted beliefs, assumed ‘truths’ are challenged, knocked down, brushed aside, crushed! What a mere eight years ago we thought to be impossible—we now recognize as inevitable.

As we transition from the Automation Age through the Digital Age and now onto the Intelligent age—the task of leadership is to seamlessly balance and integrate a physical and digital world.

Why? In just 229 seconds you can visualize the magnitude and impact of what Drucker would undoubtedly describe as a ‘Great Divide” by CLICKING HERE.


Ron Lunde


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